I’m all about
I’m not about small talk, Cotton-Candy-Christianity and insta-theology.
I really don’t like camping and Crocs – #sorrynotsorry, reality TV shows and standing in line for stuff…

Dwell in God’s Word
This journal is the perfect companion to my free 5-day email course called Dwell and the perfect gift for you or anyone who desires to go deeper with Jesus.
Bespoke products to help you live a life
of beautiful, creative intention.

The Mommy Diaries – How to tackle tough topics to raise kids with courage and character
Book me for your next ministry event, I would love to come and serve, equip, and inspire.
Book me for your next ministry event, I would love to come and serve, equip, and inspire.
Bible Teacher
Bible Study: Learn to become at home in the Word so the Word can be at home in you!
From the heart
Is this a spiritual attack or is this just life?
I started off my final teaching on Ephesians chapter 6 with a quote from the epic movie, “The Usual Suspects” (because I’m old but I am also cool and Bible study can be cool!) that goes like this: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist.
What if you could actually love your life? Thoughts on contentment from a consistent complainer.
In an age of rampant consumerism, contentment seems not only idealistic, but borderline irrelevant. But according to the Bible that can’t be true for Christians. Is there a way out of our current consumerism trap, the hamster wheel that keeps us shopping and spending and hoarding and lending and still looking at our lives like it’s not enough?
As believers we take forgiveness seriously, as well we should. But what we often struggle with how to practically walk out our forgiveness in our relationships with others.

Verse mapping
8 simple steps to help you study God’s word
5 days to better Biblestudy

Get in Touch!
We can collaborate or book me for your next women’s event…
Kona Brown
+27 (0) 83-456-3341